Hud Information

MTT and 3-handed HUD:

VPIP, Preflop Raise, Preflop Limp, Limp with Previous Limpers, Raise with Previous Limpers, Attempt to Steal, Attempt to Steal SB
3bet Preflop, Fold to Steal, 4bet, Fold to 3bet, Fold to Flop Cbet, Cbet Flop, Cbet Turn, Cbet River
Player Name, Live Amt BB, Hands Abbreviated, Probe Turn


Player Name, Hands, Live Amt BB, PFR, BB vs SB Open
3Bet vs SB 2Bet, Preflop Limp, Preflop Limp Fold, Preflop Limp Raise, Raise with Previous Limpers
CBet Flop, CBet Turn, CBet River
Fold to F CBet, Fold to T CBet, Probe Turn, Donk Flop